Plot 35 California Tarentaalrand, Tzaneen, 0850, SA+27 83 454 5381



The Vervet Monkey Foundation is not funded by the government and therefore relies entirely on contributions from the public and volunteers.

Donations are vital to help us not only provide sanctuary to orphaned vervet monkeys, but in also helping us protect the future of this unique primate.

Hundreds of vervets are shot each year in avoidable conflicts.
Your donation supports our work caring for orphaned and injured vervet monkeys.

We educate the general public in how to peacefully co-exist with vervet monkeys and are the only dedicated vervet monkey rehabilitation sanctuary.

You can make a secure donation to the Vervet Monkey Foundation below using PayPal. Thank you.

The below list shows what we are currently in need of:

  • Rabbit Drinking bottles
  • Infrared heat lamps
  • Gauze swabs
  • Plasters
  • Medical tape
  • Syringes and needles
  • Veterinary Supplies

If you would rather like to make a financial contribution directly into our South African Bank Account, here are the details:

Vervet Monkey Foundation
First National Bank
Account number: 62352498333
Branch code: 250655
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ

Or if you are having trouble, via our UK Account:

UK account details:
Lloyds TSB
Vervet Monkey Foundation
Account number: 17991360
Sort code: 77-25-02

If you experience any problems donating, please emailĀ for further assistance.